Job Placement Facilities

The industry is always on the lookout for students who are vibrant, energetic individuals and ready to accept challenges, attentive, a good academic background, fast learners, open to learning even at work, and more importantly, good communication skills. Under job placement cell we ensure facilities to our students.

Aside from creating opportunities, we ensure the active participation of our students. After successful completion of the professional course, students prepare their portfolio, resume and such. Just after the course completion, our placement cell starts their lookout for suitable placement of the student. The placement cell ensures facilities as follows:


We do the market analysis to prepare our course curriculum according to the market demand. Throughout the training program, students acquire knowledge of technical parts and also get an opportunity to visit the industry. Thus they get an idea of how the operations are taking place. After the market analysis, it is easier for them to make preparations. It also helps to create networks.


Keeping in view the industry requirements, the training curriculum is designed to prepare entry-level jobs to advanced level jobs. We ensure hands-on training in live projects according to industry demand. Besides our job placement cell ensures grooming session on-

  • Tips and Tricks on preparing the resume
  • Demo practices on how to face an interview
  • Career session by industry experts
  • Practical classes
  • Improving presentation skills
  • Building Portfolio


Starting a job or a placement in a corporate environment becomes a new challenge of life for many of our students. Sometimes the working environment of a company might not appear in favour at first glance. Thus, Creative IT creates internship opportunities for our students in order to face the challenge to adjust. This opportunity helps our students with their self-assessment evaluation.

The Job Placement Cell provides all sorts of counseling needed for students’ career growth. After successful counseling, our team is always dedicated to the grooming of all our new employees. Internship opportunity boosts the confidence of our students and it also aims to make them prepare for their future. We are always open to our students for guidance and help them throughout the process of building a bright future.